Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Health Facts on Air Duct Cleaning

Dirty and clogged air duct systems cause a variety of health problems for the family members such as flu infection, asthma, skin and eye allergies and throat infection. Certain diseases that are caused by allergies can also be severe enough to lead to death and it is therefore vital to gain sufficient knowledge on health facts on air duct cleaning.

As you analyze various triggers that set off the harmful materials, gases and other biological chemicals and wastes, you can gauge the importance of take necessary actions such as cleaning the air ducts on a frequent basis. Knowledge on health facts on air duct cleaning will help you keep the environment around clean and breathable.

We all spend at least 60% of our time inside our homes and the air that circulates inside plays a major role on your family health. Numerous contaminants such as dust, dirt, dust mites, hair, fungi, bacteria, chemical residues and dander are accumulated in the air duct systems over a period of time.

There are a host of reasons why it is important to be aware of health facts on air duct cleaning and keep the ducts in pristine condition–

  • Reduce pollen, dust and dust mites
  • Create a healthy, clean and breathable environment for your family
  • Remove growth of mould and bacteria
  • Minimize and maybe even eliminate the suffering of those suffering from asthma and allergy
  • Keep the air clean by getting rid of odours and pet hairs
  • Improve the efficiency of your cooling and heating equipments
  • Lower cooling and heating energy bills to a significant extent

Here are a few important facts that should convince you and motivate you to learn about health facts on air duct cleaning.

· Out of every six people suffering from allergies, one suffers due to the bacteria and fungi present in their air duct system according to data released by Better Health Magazines and Total Health.

· According to American College of Allergists, indoor air pollution is the reason for at least 50% of allergic illnesses today

· The Department of Consumer Affairs say that those suffering from breathing problems, asthma and the elderly are prone to severe allergies due to air pollutants.

· Environmental Protection Agency data shows that as compared to the outdoor air, the air indoors is at least 70 times more polluted.

· People spend at least 60 to 90% of their time indoors says the American Lung Association.

· According to this association, the year 1976 saw 29 people being killed due to Legionnaire’s Disease that was a direct result of air duct pollution.

· Indoor air pollution affects children more than adults as they are closer to the ground where there are higher concentrations of dirt, dust and debris, they inhale more volume of air per body weight unit and they naturally breathe faster, according to the Department of Consumer Affairs.

All these health facts on air duct cleaning clearly indicate the importance of calling in professionals periodically and ensuring that your air duct cleaning is always maintained.